St. Louis Geography & History

Some goals of the St. Louis Geography & History Lesson Plan:

  • Map Reading
  • Critical Thinking

After reading the provided materials, students should be able to answer the following questions:

  • Who was Robert Campbell?
  • Where was he born?
  • What is a person who comes from another country called?
  • Who was Virginia Campbell?
  • How many children did the Campbells have?
  • How many children lived past the age of 7?
  • What businesses did Robert Campbell have?
  • Who lived in the house after Robert and Virginia Campbell died?

After reading the provided materials and observing the Campbell House and its surrounding neighborhood, students should be able to answer the following questions:

  • Why is St. Louis located at the juncture of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers?
  • Where was St. Louis before 1850?
  • What was the Campbell House property before it was part of a neighborhood?
  • Why did people live closely packed together in early St. Louis? (1764 to 1850)
  • Why did wealthy residents move out of the city?
  • What invention allowed people to move further away from their businesses?
  • As the wealthy residents continued to move further west after the 1880s, why did the Campbells choose to stay in this house? (open question)
  • How many houses can be found on Lucas Place today?
  • Where did these homes go?
  • What do you see happening around the Campbell House today?

Common Core standards for this lesson: RH.6–8.1, RH.6–8.7, RH.6–8.8, RI.6.3, RI.6.7, speaking elements: SL.6.2 to SL.8.2, SL.6.4 to SL.8.4, collaborations: SL.6.1a‑d to SL.8.1a‑d.

St. Louis Geography & History: Why is St. Louis Here?

St. Louis is a unique place with its own style and history.  For more than 10,000 years people have been making a home for themselves here.  What is it about this place that had made it a good place to live for so long?  (by the end of the lesson students should be able to answer this question.)

The United States and St. Louis

Look at a map of the United States and find St. Louis. One of the first things you will notice about St. Louis is all of the rivers surrounding the city. St. Louis sits on the western shore of the Mississippi River, just below the mouth of the Missouri River. Just north of St. Louis, on the Mississippi River, is the mouth of the Illinois River and just south of St. Louis is the mouth of the Ohio River. Before railroads and cars were invented, rivers were the fastest and easiest way to travel. St. Louis is the hub of a great waterways system that makes it relatively easy for a person to travel from the Rocky Mountains to the Appalachian Mountains and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, all by water.

The St. Louis we know today is not the first large city in this area. In about 800 C.E. small groups of Native Americans began to come together to create what would become the largest city in North America at Cahokia Mounds, across the river from St. Louis in Illinois. This city lasted until about 1200 C.E. when it was abandoned and its inhabitants spread out to small farming communities throughout the region.

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