Become A Member

Welcome To The Family

Become A CHM Member Today

The Campbell House Museum welcomes the support of members, whose annual dues provide the Museum’s largest single source of revenue. The Campbell House Foundation is a 501c‑3 non-profit organization and depends on contributions from private individuals and groups, corporate donations, and grants from charitable foundations. It is only because of the support of the Campbell House family of members and donors that the Museum exists today.

Member Benefits

These levels receive all the standard member benefits, plus:

Century Members

Campbell Associate Members

1851 Society Members

Select Your Membership Level

We would be honored to welcome you into the Campbell family of members! To join or renew, select your desired level from the options below.

Junior Member

(Age 40 and under)

Active Member


Sustaining Member


Century Member


Campbell Associate


1851 Society


Lucas Place Partner


Museum Benefactor


Or, you may download (pdf) and mail our membership form.

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