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Meet the Interns » Sydney


Meet Sydney, one of our fantastic summer interns who you will probably see around the house when you come to visit this summer. When she’s not polishing her docenting skills, she has been researching the Campbells’ Presbyterian faith. She loves her tea and kale salads, and she has about the teeniest writing we’ve ever seen. Here’s Sydney!

What are you studying and where?
I’m a History major and an English minor at Wheaton College in Illinois.

Why Campbell House?
I was intrigued by the history of the Campbell family and the house, and I was eager to see what it would be like to work at a museum.

What are you going to work on at CHM over the summer?
At this point I’m preparing to give tours. I’m not sure what else I will be doing, but I’m sure it will be interesting!

When you aren’t slaving away at Campbell House, what are you doing?
Working at an optometrist’s office, spending time with family and friends, reading, and water-skiing.

Sydney’s itty-bitty writing.

What’s your favorite thing about Campbell House so far?
Spending time in a place so steeped with history and seeing how visitors become captivated by the house and its story.

Favorite sandwich:
A recent favorite is the pulled pork sandwich from Big Sticky’s BBQ in Troy. Yum.

Favorite book:
Radioactive: Marie and Pierre Curie, a Tale of Love and Fallout by Lauren Redniss

Unbreakable habit:

Check back next week to learn all about Kate, our last (but certainly not least) intern!

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