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Mystery Mail

Some of the mysterious mail bearing the return address “Somewhere in Time.”

Between the mysterious half-dollars and elusive footsteps throughout the house, we’re used to the unexplained around here. One of our favorite — and longest-running — mysteries arrives via the U.S. Post Office.

For years, Campbell House has received mail addressed to Campbell family members. The handwriting’s always the same, it’s always postmarked from St. Louis, and the return address says nothing more than “Somewhere in Time.”

We received three in close succession this year: Hugh’s birthday, Robert’s birthday (from Virginia) then James’ birthday. Before that, Virginia received a “thinking of you” card from Robert, and Virginia sent Robert an anniversary card. Sadly, poor Hazlett has been overlooked by the mailman.

Whodunit? Do you know?

Received in March of 2012 in time for his 152nd birthday on March 16th, here we have a customized birthday card to James. The sender wrote “The Beloved Puppy, to James –” James, incidentally, was rather fond of his dogs. Take a look at this earlier post.
The inside is signed: “Time is fleeting! Yor [Your] Loving and devoted Parents.”
Robert was the “someone special” referenced in this letter that came to the museum in February, right before his 208th birthday in February 2012.
…and it’s from Virginia! Personalized, “To my dearest Robert….from your loving wife, Virginia.”
Virginia’s been busy. Here’s an anniversary card she sent to Robert that arrived in 2008 on their 167th anniversary.
It’s a classic Hallmark tear-jerker, too: “Dear Robert: What we share together is a beautiful partnership. From the joy and passion to the gentle caring of our family and home — It means everything to me to have you as my friend and my partner in life….And on your birthday I hope you can feel all the love I have for you in my heart. — Virginia.” *sniff*
This is probably the best one in the bunch. Baby Owl arrived for Hugh’s birthday last November and he says, “Whoo’s having a Birthday?’
….and on the inside, the author Robert and Virginia changed “You are!” to “Hugh are!” Also written: “Your 164th! From Your Parents.” This is quite possibly the best Campbell House pun ever.
Just a little note for Virginia…..
…from her Robert! “My Dear Virginia: I’m thinking of you/And warm wishes I send, For days filled with joy/From beginning to end. Your devoted Husband, Robert.” Awwww.

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