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Meet the new Weekend Manager » David

Weekend Manager David

We’ve got a real Renaissance man taking care of the house on the weekends. We’d like to introduce you to David Newmann, our new Weekend Manager. In addition to going to school, working here, and giving tours at Ulysses S. Grant’s house, he plays approximately 325 different instruments (slight exaggeration, but this is *pretty* close), and he plays them all over town in several different bands. We’re glad to have him on board!

What are you studying and where? Secondary Education: Social Studies, St. Louis Community College Meramec.

Why Campbell House? The Campbell House serves as a unique example of affluent Victorian living. Ever since I was a kid I have had an interest in nineteenth century America. It just seemed like the perfect job for someone like me.

What are you going to do at Campbell House? I will be the weekend manager at the Campbell House Museum. Giving tours on the weekends is a big part of the job, but I will also be cutting the grass and taking care of the grounds.

When you aren’t slaving away at Campbell House, what are you up to? Playing music with one of my four bands, keeping up with school, and working as a park guide at the Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site. I also enjoy backpacking, camping, cycling, and photography.

What’s your favorite thing about Campbell House so far? Definitely the staff. Everyone here has been so kind and helpful. I can tell that they share my passion for nineteenth century history, and I think that this job will be a terrific learning experience.

PC or Mac? With all of the music production and photo editing that I do, it has to be a Mac.

Little known fact about me: I am a Union Civil War reenactor with the 8th Missouri Volunteer Infantry.

Favorite book: Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

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