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This week in history: December 5-December 11

This week is bittersweet for Campbell House.  October 10, 2009 was the 130th anniversary of Robert Campbell’s death.  Just a few months later, Robert’s older brother Hugh followed.  These pioneering brothers experienced and impacted American history.  But perhaps more importantly, they RECORDED it in their letters, ledgers, and journals.  For 65 years, Campbell House Museum has striven to pass the incredible stories of Robert Campbell, Hugh Campbell, and their families on to future generations.

Today we post Hugh Campbell’s December 8, 1879 will.  It represents the wishes of just one person in the amazing tale of the Campbell family.  We hope that Hugh’s words will foster your curiosity in this family’s story and that you will come see the history they left behind at Campbell House Museum!  The story continues to unfold in The Campbell Quest, the new exhibit Immigration Adventures to America: Hugh and Robert Campbell’s Journey from Ireland to the United States, and the upcoming release of Hugh Campbell’s 1818 journal!  Thank you for following the story of the Campbells; we hope you find the will as interesting as we do.


Hugh Campbell
Dec 6.1879, Will (illegible word)
44 J/ 591

Margaret Jane
(illegible word) 2

Filed and admitted to probate this
8th day of December
A.D. 1879. and duly recorded in
Book “N” of Wills, on page 156
(signature) clerk

[next page]

I, Hugh Campbell of the city of St Louis and
state of Missouri being of sound and disposing
mind do make this my last will and testament
herely revoking all others here to fore under by me

First I direct that out of my cetak my just debts and
funeral expenses shall be first paid and that
my mortal remains shall be buried in a lot at
Bellefontaine cemetery which I purchased from
Mr Patrick. My beloved wife Mary selected this for me
and when it shall please god to call her heaven
she will probably be buried beside me. We have
spent over forty five years of happy married life
and may then be united in the grave.
Second I give and bequeath to my brother Robert
Campbell my gold watch and chain together
with any of my personal effects ( as mementos)
that he may choose together with sixty volumes
from my library indulge the New American
Encyclopedia. Such as he may select
Third I give (illegible word) and bequeath all the residue of
my estate and property and personal and
wiped which I may leave at the time of my
to my beloved wife Mary Campbell
to have and to hold the same (illegible word) the saw
Mary Campbell to her keen (illegible word) advices
(illegible word) and assigns forever.

[next page]

In the event that my wife shall die before me
I give and bequeath and (illegible word) the (illegible words) of my
estate rear personal and (illegible word) as follows. One third
ten of to my good brother Robert Campbell the next
one third thereof to my two nieces twins McFarland
and Margaret McCallagh, now reading in Ireland
to them (illegible word) in equal shares. And the other third
to my two sisters in law Margaret Kyle and Mrs
Jane Clark and to them keen in equal shares.
It had been my (Illegible word) to make other bequests
but my first desire is to provide suitably for my beloved
wife. And on account of losses by fraudulent debtors
and shrinkage in the value of investments since
1843 I am reduced to devise the said residue to
my wife
Fourth I nominate and appoint my brother Robert
Campbell and my wife Mary Campbell exec
tor and execubrex(possibly?) of this my last will and
I desire, if the law will permit, that no secur
ity be required of either of them for the pure
form anew of their duties
In testimony whereof I have
hereinto set my hand and seal at St Louis
this twenty seventh day of June eighteen
hundred and seventy seven
Hugh Campbell (Signature) Seal

Signed sealed published and declared to

[Next page]

be his last will and testament by said Hugh Campbell
in our presence who in his presence and at his request
and in the presence of each other have hereinto submitted
our names as instrusties thereof
John R Shelpy
John F. Gibbons
John M. Gloom

Pictured below: Pictures of the Campbell Monument, the 1st page of Hugh’s will, and a painting of Hugh Campbell

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