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This week in history: February 15-February 20

Over the past few months, we’ve posted letters from Robert and Virginia Campbell’s initial courtship:

January 1, 1837 – William Sublette tells Hugh Campbell what he thinks of the “coquette” Robert has fallen for

October 8, 1838 – Robert Campbell professes his undying love for Virginia Jane Kyle

January 14, 1838 – Lucy Ann Kyle refused Robert Campbell’s request to marry 16 year old Virginia

December 18, 1840 – Lucy Ann Kyle consents to have Robert marry Virginia

February 14, 1840 – Robert writes to his fiance of her soon being his “manager”

Today we post a letter from Virginia’s aunt and uncle Jim and Ann Winston to Lucy Ann Kyle, talking about their surprise at Virginia’s intent to marry.  They remind Lucy that Virginia promised (and they have proof in black and white) to come visit them before she married.  Seems these two were a little behind on the news of their niece!

Robert and Virginia were married February 25, 1841 – 169 years ago next Thursday.  Happy anniversary from Campbell House Museum!


[Front Cover]
Mrs. Lucy A Kyle

Richmond February 18, 1841

Dear Sister,
I received your very interesting letter and was very much  surprised to hear of Virginia’s sudden determination and all feel very much disappointed in not having more of her company and her Uncle says he can’t consent to her marriage until she fulfills  all her engagements, indeed I have kept up my spirits with the   anticipation of her spending some time with us and supplying the   place of Ann and know not how we shall be able to get over it   unless they will come by and pay us a bridal visit which I hope   they will certainly do.  Cornelia had a real cry about it last   night.

I hope you will excuse our not going on to the wedding as the   road is a long one and bad for traveling.  Give my love to cousin  Virginia and say to her I can’t consent for Cornelia to be   bridesmaid, that I was very much opposed to her being bridesmaid   for Ann but Ann would have her way, that she is not old enough,   that I can’t think of turning her out yet, that I Had as well   take her from school at once as to send her that far to a wedding and for her to be bridesmaid too.  Mother sends love to V. and   says she has shown her first love is the best and is very   anxious to go on and Jeanna also very anxious,

[Pg. Break] we are all anxious to see you all but that is not   practicable therefore I hope you will all come here to see us.   Give my respects to Mr. Camel [Campbell] and say we would be very much pleased to see him here, that he must certainly bring   Virginia through Richmond and come directly to our house and stay with us at least a week or longer if they can make it   convenient, and thee must come with them.

I can very easily imagine [spelled immagin] thy feelings at this  time  altho they may be willing and anxious yet I know thee is in the greatest distress at parting with a lovely Daughter and  companion in your lonely hours. Give my love to Amelia.,  I truly sympathize with her in her distresses. I hope she will bear with Christian fortitude the different changes of this changeable  world, it is truly unfortunate but I hope it will be for the best wing up and being a new, love to all
Ann R. Winston.

Dear Sister
I endorse the above.  Tell, cousin Virginia, she promised  us (& I have it in Black & White) to visit us before she got  married & I require the full performance of her “bond.”

We were thunderstruck, with astonishment, to find that she was in Raleigh – our disappointment

[Pg. Break, top of front cover] is uncomfortable.  We have been  for some time in daily anticipation of her in our house.

Please remember us most affectionately to Bro. Simpson and sister Amelia.  My heart bleeds for these & for their little ones.  My  relations

[Section Break, bottom front cover] may (after May 1820) and no  doubt often have thought us, cold, selfish, & unkind.  But not so sir, my wife (the best in the round world) knew for many years  the depths of my woe’s.

I had a work before us, that, did not allow me, to, loiter, in  this way & consequently, I had to look first &

[Pg. Break, top inside cover] exclusively, to the welfare of my  wife and children.  I determined to appropriate my undivided time & I knew I had not a moment to spare, first to them.  They had  no other define device, and now it is no better – my cares and  thee demand on my time, & exertions, and unable.  I have grown  children to aid instead of infants, added to little helpless

[Section Break, bottom inside cover] grandchildren.  But for this of course, my family would have fallen into irretrievable  disgrace.  Very few seen have had to contend, with, the odds I  have.  Look at Doct C’s situation under a course, differing  radically from mine.  I do not cannot  boast for I am not out of  the woods.

Affy my sister, Jim Winston

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