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Happy Easter from Campbell House Museum

Happy spring everyone!  We hope everyone is enjoying the first few days of April.  With Easter coming up on Sunday, we decided to post a Campbell letter about the Easter holidays.  On April 7, 1836, Hugh Campbell wrote to his younger brother Robert from Philadelphia.  He says that “Virginia, Harriet, and A. Matilda have been daily mourning your absence during the Easter holidays.”  The Virginia who was missing Robert so terribly over Easter was now 14 year old Virginia Kyle, who Robert would marry in 1841.  Happy Easter and happy spring from Campbell House Museum!

Philadelphia April 7th 1836
Dear Robert
A few days after you left us I wrote Mr. S. giving my views in opposition to your design of visiting the mountains.  I sincerely hope that both you and he will coincide with me and altogether abandon every thought of fitting [?] out any expedition which may require your personal guidance.  You will greatly relieve my mind by saying that you have arranged matters so as to be enabled to remain at St. Louis.

I called on Sandrette on Saturday last requesting the trees for friend Sublette.  The ice had not then disappeared from our streets.  Our equal is not yet in operation and under all the circumstances he feared that we could not manage to send them in any thing like proper season for replanting.  He had not finally decided on not sending them and I concluded to leave the matter to his own option.

The woman and child of whom I spoke arrived here two or three days after your departure.  Owing to the difficulty of conveyance my canal I have been unable to send them to Pittsburg.  They are still in the city but will shortly be off, if in my power.

Your negligence in omitting to write me from Pittsburg or some other point in your route has given me some uneasiness.  I have been ashamed to answer the inquiries of your friends (and really you seem to have a goodly number) by saying that not a line has yet been received from you although you are now 3 weeks gone!  Virginia Harriet and A. Matilda have been daily mourning your absence during the Easter holidays.  Our neighbors Mr. Miller and family have also been making kind inquiries for you an din short all our visitors seem to think there is a void in our society since you bid us “Good bye”. [End of pg. 1]

[Pg. 2] The great press of business having partially subsided, I have turned my situation to Mrs. Kyle’s money [not sure that’s the word] and am not getting [?]___ the principal part of the order, which will be forwarded about a week hence.  I will then write them forwarding bills and directing Bess to come down to St. Louis and complete the assortment from stores in that city.  In the meantime you will oblige me by calling on Mr. Sproule and request him to give me through you a brief abstract or merely the balance on her two accounts.  She has one as administrator and one individual account.  When I know the state of those accounts I can give such advice as Bess asked for with regard to remittances in her last letter.  My opinion is that if they can spare the money they should send some to me and avoid getting [?]____ (me maybe?) so deeply in debt for goods they order from me.

Mary wrote you lately.  She talks of you a good deal and I believe regrets your absence nearly as much as she did mine.  Both she and Harriet are asking me to request that you will make it a point to be here very early in the summer.  I think a little trip to Cape May would be of use to you and should you come on I will make it a point to lay aside the cares of business for a brief period and go down there with you and Mary.

Mr. Gill continues as when you left him – apparently in good health but in reality holding his life by a very insecure tenure.  He is quite restless under his confinement.  I fear his first effort to go out will be his last for any excitement is likely to prove fatal.

Archibald is busy preparing for the cares of housekeeping and has already purchased most of his furniture.  I understand he is to be married within a fortnight but having avoided all consultation on this matter I am unable to talk any thing of his views.  He will in all probability imitate Mr. Baker in his state of living.

It is now late and I am fatigued.  Shake hands with my friend Wm. L. Sublette and say some civil things to all others who may inquire for me.  I earnestly beg you to write us frequently.  We are uneasy on your account and you know it but I have no time to chide you.
Good night!!!   H. Campbell
[End of pg. 2]

[Post Mark] Phila

Mr. Robert Campbell
Saint Louis

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