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This week in history: May 9-May 15

With tomorrow’s 1 year anniversary of the blog, we had to post a letter from that date!

On May 15, 1841, Thomas B. Winston wrote a quick note to their niece Virginia Kyle Campbell.  Virginia had married Robert Campbell 3 months earlier on February 25, 1841.  It seems that she likes St. Louis very much, and Thomas admits his own love of the city, saying “it is my next choice to N.O. [New Orleans] and if I ever leave this it shall be my next residence.”  They also talk about the activities commemorating the late President – William Henry Harrison had died on April 4, 1841, succeeded by John Tyler.  Enjoy this quick note from Virginia’s uncle!

[Front Cover]
Mrs Robert Campbell
St. Louis
“Missouri”                 Mo.

Pr Missouri                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    New Orleans May 15 1841
Dr Virginia
Your welcomed note by this conveyance received with pleasure and I hope to have one by each return of this SBoat  [Steamboat] until you make your own appearance.

I am glad you are so well pleased with St. Louis, it is my next choice to N.O. and if I ever leave this it shall be my next residence.

My respects to Mr. Campbell & I now invite you both in the name of Mrs Winston & myself to visit us & we will give you good cheer & welcome.  Today has been a great day in N.O. in commemoration of our late President.

I think you would be pleased with a visit to N. Orleans, as you can come & go so quick.

Yours ______[?]
Thomas B. Winston

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