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Extra! Extra! Read/Watch/Listen All About Us!

If you’ve picked up a paper, browsed online, listened to the radio or turned on your TV in the last few weeks, chances are you’ve seen or heard something about Campbell House, ranging from coverage of our 70th Anniversary to the new Glorious Gowns exhibition that runs through the end of 2013. This week, instead of sharing a thrilling historical nugget or some eventful story of happenings here in the house, we thought we’d consolidate all of the great press we’ve been getting over the past few weeks and give you the opportunity to peruse the different stories- chances are you’ll come away with some tidbit of information about CHM that you didn’t know before!

WILA couple of weeks back, Director Andy sat down with Sean Anthony of Hubbard Radio’s “Talk of the Town” (which airs on 92.3 WIL, 101 ESPN, and 106.5 The Arch here in St. Louis) to give the dish on Campbell House and its history.  The interview aired on Sunday, July 21st and has been uploaded to our YouTube page in two parts for your auditory delight. (click here to listen to part 1 of the interview, click here to listen to the second half).

Forum JournalSome more great press came from the Forum Journal, published by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.  Their article looks at Campbell House and its involvement with the Eugene Field House and the Griot Museum of Black History in the Urban Museum Collaborative, a cooperative network of small museums in the St. Louis area.  (Click here to read the article).

WinterthurThe crown jewel of our recent print media coverage is a recent article by Washington University professor and researcher Heidi Kolk in the well-respected Winterthur Portfolio, published by the Winterthur Museum in Delaware.  Winterthur is nationally renowned as the authority on decorative arts in the United States, and we’re honored to have been featured! (Click here to find more information on this article.)

Ladue Blog

Ladue News was kind enough to feature us twice in the past few weeks.  The first piece covers some general history of the house and the newly installed draperies in the parlor (click here to read), and the other, featured in their special wedding edition, takes a closer look at the third floor wedding gown exhibition, featuring some great photos (click here to read).

We were also excited to be featured in GO! Magazine, a publication of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which tells the story of the Museum’s once-expansive costume collection and our 70th anniversary (click here to read).

One of the things we’re particularly jazzed about around these parts is the piece that aired recently on KSDK Channel 5’s Show Me St. Louis.  Reporter Coreen Savistki came out and interviewed Executive Director Andy, got the low-down on some of Virginia’s dresses and provided some stellar publicity for the museum as we head into the fall! (read the article and watch the TV spot here)


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