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Drink Up & Tweetup with Campbell House and Distilled History!

distilled historyMark your calendar!  All of us here at CHM are very excited to partner with Distilled History, winner of the Riverfront Times 2013 St. Louis Web Award for Best Personal Blog, and host a Tweetup on Friday, September 27th celebrating St. Louis history and Smithsonian Museum Day!  We’ll be about a block away from where Taste of St. Louis is going down, so keep in mind that you can stop on by and then head on over to Soldiers Memorial to enjoy all that Taste has to offer.

What, you might be asking, makes this Tweetup extra fun and interesting?  Well, not only do you get to experience the Campbell House Museum (for free), not only do you get to hang out with some awesome members of the St. Louis twitterverse (for free), not only do you get the chance to sign up for tickets to Campbell House and other museums for Smithsonian Museum Day (for free), not only do you get to have some great food provided by the delicious Maya Cafe (for… well, you get the point. This whole shindig is free.), but you get to have a drink while you do it!

We’re going to be taking a look at St. Louis and Campbell history from the unique (and quite enjoyable) perspective of beer, wine, and spirits.  We’ll have a great selection of Schlafly beer, wine, Virginia Campbell’s famous Roman Punch, and a specially prepared batch of homemade bathtub gin for your tasting delight.  Let me reiterate that last point: there will be bathtub gin. Our friend Cameron (who happens to be Distilled History’s award-winning author) will be brewing it up, and he assures us it’s perfectly safe… just a little, erm, strong.  Click here to read more about his bathtub gin experimentation.

Recipe for Roman Punch from Virginia Campbell’s 1860 cookbook… don’t worry, ours will be sans eggs.
photo (3)
President Grant’s cup, with “U.S.G.” inscribed on its side

In addition to the out of the ordinary nature of the Tweetup, we’ll be having a pretty unique, one of a kind raffle.  For a buck or two, you (yes you!) get a free drink!  But, since all the drinks will technically be free, we decided to make it pretty special.  The winner of this raffle gets to take a swig out of a cup once belonging to President U.S. Grant, who was quite the drinker himself.  It’s in the collection here at Campbell House and we’re pulling it out of the vault so that a lucky attendee can have the chance to join in some historical communion with our late great, high toleranced former president.

So, let’s recap:

1.) Great food and drink

2.) A unique look at St. Louis and Campbell history

3.) The chance to take a swig from a cup belonging to President U.S. Grant

4.) Opportunity to hang out with members of the STL Twitterverse

5.) Sign up for free tickets to CHM and other great museums for Smithsonian Museum Day

6.) It’s free. (though we certainly won’t sneeze at donations)

The only thing missing?  You.

So swing by after work from 4-6 pm on Friday, September 27th.  Spend an hour, spend five minutes, whatever floats your boat.  Taste of St. Louis will be going on downtown, about a block away from us (and we’ll have parking… hint hint) We’d love to see you there!

TwitterShoot us a tweet for more info:

@campbellmuseum  or  @distlhistory


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