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Week in History: June 21-27

Saint Louis June 21 1842
Dear Sublette
It is difficult to determine at what point to write you but as
the boat by which I send this goes no higher than Glasgow
I will direct to you at Jefferson city where you will no doubt
find a host of letters awaiting you.
Shawneetown money continues to depreciate and is now fast
approaching the value of State Bank money. I hope you have
received intelligence to guard you against taking it. I think
it will continue to depreciate for there is little confidence in
the management of the institution and still less in the hon-
esty of the directory.
At your farm all moves along smoothly and all the family
are well-on Sunday I took out Virginia and our little Boy
to visit Mrs. Cook-every thing goes along as well as if you
were here, and Mrs. Cook says better.
Mr. Van Buren arrived here to day and was welcomed by
the largest crowd I ever saw in St. Louis (footnote 26) he is at the Planters
House and dined to day at the Ladies Ordinary-on one side
of him sat Geo. Collier and on the other Mr. Whitcomb who
accompanied Mr. Van Buren. I have not yet called on him but |
think I will very soon.                            ,        ‘
R. Campbell

Col. W. L. Sublette
Jefferson City, Mo.

26 An editorial comment on the day after Van Buren’s arrival, states:
. . . “The public reception we take it, is evidence of the feeling which
the public entertain for Mr. Van Buren as a politician and statesman.
Beyond this, we know that our fellow citizens are ready to pay him every
courtesy and attention, and will freely contribute by every means in their
power to render his sojourn amongst us pleasant and agreeable. From
the citizens of St. Louis he may expect all the hospitality due to the
individual man and the high station he has filled; but, as a politician,
he has seen enough to learn that there are few who greet him with a
cordial welcome, and still fewer that are willing to do homage to his
course. . . Many of the most respectable and influential of the Locofoco
party stood back, and throughout seemed to take no interest in the pro-
ceedings. Was this per order from the Colonel [Benton] in Washington?”
Missouri Republican June 22, 1842.

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