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This Week in History: August 4-10

Sparta, Wis Aug. 5/74

Dear Robert
I have your of 28 ult
Inclosing an excellent letter from our
Niece Mary It gives the best account
Of our poor sisters sad accident, and is
Quite discouraging in every respect.
It is herewith returned,
I also inclose Mary T letter to me
And the letter of our nephew R. B.C.
You will recollect that the last letter to
Me from this fellow gave me some lying
Details of family quarrels and requested
Me to turn sister Ann out of Aughalane
As being the cause of all their troubles! He
Doubtless wished to succeed her in the
Occupancy of the old house and this
Letter to me is evidently written with
The same view. I feel certain that if I had
Written to him in reply he would have used
My letter as authority to take possession. He
Is a bad and dangerous scoundrell.

[next page]

I shall be glad to learn that your
Visit to the President proved agreeable –
Yet I scarcely expect that it was. The
Only thing that annoys me is the prompt
Appointment of your successions & retaining
The same name. The new commissioners
Being all of the Secretary’s selection, will only
Serve to enlarge the “Indian Ring: and in
Future history their acts will read as yours.
I would protest, and insist that some
Change should be made in the style & title
Of this congregation of See: Delaon, friends.
I have already suggested that you
Should send dft to Ann on D Stuart & Co fo 50 pounds
By way of paying expenses attendant on her
Accident, If you concur with me in
This, I would beg you to write a kind
Reply to Mary & M.C. for both of us & inclose
In your letter the dft, pay. To Ann’s order
Under no circumstances do I desire
That either you or I should correspond with
Our nephew. They are cunning & treacherous;
And would use our letters for bad purposes.

[next page]

Hugh sent me from Neholson’s 8
Bottles of whiskey. The bottles were a cross
Between quarts & pints – with a preponderance
In favour of the latter. They have very nearly
Evaporated, Please send half a dozen more
By express – not quite so new and finery.
You will also oblige by directing the
“News & Book store” to forward the July number
of Blackwood & pay postage if required.
Subscription has been paid – 4th st. near olive
A letter from Hugh recd. this morning
Shows that he is unwilling to go eastward
I beg that you will urge him to go He needs
A little fresh air and relaxation, after the
Heated term in St. Louis
We all get along famously. It seems
That I have gained 3 lbs since my arrival.
Mary does not wish to acknowledge a single
Pound additional – and Mary T says nothing.
All join me in kind regards to you & Hugh
I trust this will meet you on your arrival
Ever truly yours
H. Campbell

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