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This Week in History: September 22-28

Lynchburg Sept. 26 1840
My ever dearest Sister:
Your letter from Richmond finds me at Sandusky near Lynchburg at Mr. Oteys Mothers I had been expecting to hear from you in Richmond and I wonder if you have gone there with a view of spending the winter?  If so, then I shall conclude you care very little for me.  I have long been deprived of your company or society which I have always valued so highly; and the Hotel, has been the constant and crying sin; Now just as that obstacle is obviated you have gone to another region; where you may be thrown in the society of others; whom you prize more highly than mine; I could not readily conceive this would be gratifying to (and a projected plan) or some others but understand me I do not wish you to deprive yourself of any of the enjoyments or pleasures of this life for me.  But I had supposed this would be the last winter I should spend in Raleigh and how much delighted I would be to have you with me whenever I could.  Miss Sarah Cook a niece of Mr. Oteys wil accompany me to Raleigh [end of pg. 1]

[Pg. 2] to spend a portion of the winter, she is very pretty a fine figure and a pretty face just 16,  I have spent my time very pleasantly during my visit here, and I am becoming so much attached to this beautiful and fertile region. The grandeur of the Mountain scenery – the green clear hills turning with their rich flocks – that I can with impartiality say I am reluctant to leave such stores of pleasure and treasure behind me.  It is truly a land of mild and honey.  Wish you could marry some clever fellow and live near me in this fertile and salutrinous clime.  I suppose you did not get my last letter in R – (It has fallen into the hands of the Philistines) in which I advise you against marrying R. Campbell.  I then stated to you what Mr. Ferguson told me.  Mr. McDowell says he is not worth anything and I you were to marry him it would be for money alone.  We leave this tomorrow for R. – and will spend a week in Oxford with cousin Robert.  Agreeable to promise Mr. O will go directly and have our house in readiness.

You will not give yourself any [?]_______ (not readable) about Miss Briggs boarding with me.  I am resolved she shall not.  Indeed there was only a conditional understanding to that effect. – after all was said, and I cold not think of enying myself any privileges for Au Bg.

I have seen Bishop Otey and am delighted with him, think him one of the best and most agreeable men I ever knew.  His daughter Va is now with him.  She is one of the most accomplished girls in the state.  Tell cousin George he must come to R. to see Miss Cook.  I think he will be pleased with her as he is in search of beauty – She is much prettier than L. Moore his “old flame” and richer too if that be an inducement.  I cam glad to hear cousin Ann is [?]________ (not readable) with the prospect of getting such a clever fellow for a husband and wish her much happiness.  (I.E.): many squalling urchins if she pleases.

Mr. O says present his regards to Ann; and “say” to her to “remember what he told her “to be sure she gets him who loves her most.  The only guarantee connubiate happiness.”  Sister Mr. Otey says he owes you an apology for not having written to his “best sister except 3” and tenders his obligations for your polite response to his last communication.  He says he does not consider it any compliment or praise to be called your best brother there is none better than the best none worse than the worst, “so he is both.”  “you would not say he was your unsophisticated brother; he says he would like to have your expose of an unsophisticated man; “that he is not capable of such refined conception himself, and thinks such a crearion would be as much a curiosity in this age as the “fallen Polyphamus” he thinks [?]_______ (torn out) applicable to [End of pg.]

[New pg.] a celestial order of [?]_______ (not readable) only in its [?]______ (torn out) meaning [?] – and its application to man “and to the Deity, with all deference to your “good sense” not supposing you inteded it as such; – But if you had said he was as of the Bon-Ton (Fan Ton) order or of a [?]_________ of comical fantasticalities, he would have become able to comprehend you – The “unsophisticated” – “late personified” Mr. George has been playing the Courtior in Lynchburg.  I did not see him tho he was at some of our connections; a few days ago; please write me so soon as you can as [?]________ (not readable) if there are any new style – fashionable Bonnets in Richd and if they are pretty – if so I want to get one for winter and can I get as handsome a one in Ricd as in Phil.  Mr. Otey saw Cousin Jerry Kyle in Lynchburg yesterday on his return from north, he said he was at Mr. Winston’s and heard mother was in Ricd – Why did you not go on to see him?  He heard you were there and thinks strange he did not see you – give my love to cousin Ann and George and all the family – remember me affiably to all our connections.  Mr. Otey joins me in love to you and Cousin Ann.

Hoping to see you soon and hear from you sooner.
I remain affiably your ever devoted sister
The last not last.  Kiss my dear GrandMama and give my best love.
Have you become acquainted with any of the Boshin Family?  They were anxious to know when you would be in Va.

Lynchburg Va. Sep. 28
Miss Virginia J. Kyle
Care of Mrs. Fai Winton [?]

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