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Campbell House Today

Hello everyone!

Welcome to Campbell House Museum’s new blog!  We are excited about having a new way to tell the story of the Campbell family.  Each week, a letter, either to or from one of the Campbell’s will be posted – the dates will correspond to that week, so readers will truly get a glimpse into that week in history.  In addition, staff members will be posting on the blog occasionally, informing readers about events or other important things happening with the museum today.  Thus, visitors to this site will get a taste of the past as well as the present and future of Campbell House Museum!

The museum is currently preparing for the launch of a new book, published by the Missouri History Museum, about the Campbell’s entitled “The Campbell Quest”.  It was written by a descendant of the Campbell family, Patrick MacCulloch, who is the great-great-grandson of Robert Campbell’s older brother Andrew.  Mr. MacCulloch has documented not only the life of Robert Campbell and his family in Ireland, but also the author’s personal search to learn about his father’s family.  Mr. MacCulloch’s search started when he found a picture of Andrew Campbell’s house Letterbratt with “my father’s house in Ireland” written on the back in his father’s personal papers.  It led him to Northern Ireland as well as Campbell House Museum, and he has documented his family history in this fascinating new book. The book will be on sale in the museum’s gift shop for $27.95.

To celebrate the new book, Campbell House Museum is hosting a book launch party on Flag Day, Sunday June 14, 2009 from 2 to 6 PM.  Mr. MacCulloch will be here signing copies of the book, as well as several other members of the Campbell clan and representatives of the Ulster American Folk Park in Northern Ireland which now houses Robert Campbell’s birthplace in Northern Ireland!  Bring a friend and enjoy light hors d’oeuvres, wine and beer, and traditional Irish music and dance performances!  If you wish to attend, please RSVP to the museum by June 10 at (314) 421-0325.

In addition to the book launch event at the museum, Mr. MacCulloch will be giving an illustrated presentation about his research and autographing the book on Saturday June 13, 2009 at 2 PM in the Lee Auditorium at the Missouri History Museum.

We hope you continue to read the fascinating letters posted on this blog and we hope to see you at the museum sometime!

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