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Happy Valentines Day from Campbell House Museum

With Valentines Day on Sunday, we thought it only fitting to post a love letter.  This was written February 14, 1841 from Robert Campbell to his fiance Virginia Jane Kyle.  The original letter is in the Missouri Historical Society’s archives.

Robert is in Philadelphia, making his final arrangements to go to Raleigh, North Carolina for their wedding!  The two were married just 11 days later on February 25, 1841 at her mother’s house in Raleigh, North Carolina.  Robert is obviously eager to marry Virginia and have a wife.  In one of his more famous quotes to her, Robert says  “recollect you will soon become my councilor and advisor and it may be Manager – that of course I will not acknowledge and I feel confident you will make “my Yoke easy” and my life happy.”  Although this is definitely a love letter written on Valentines day, Robert makes no special remarks as to the date.  Instead this is just another example of the wonderful relationship between Robert and Virginia – Valentines or no Valentines.  We hope you all enjoy Valentines day with your special someone!  For those without a special someone, we hope you someday find a love as strong as Robert and Virginia Campbell’s.  Happy Valentines day everyone!


Philadelphia Feb 14th 1841
My Beloved Virginia
Notwithstanding I wrote you yesterday and have not since heard from you, nor of you, I cannot allow Doct. McPheeters to leave without writing you a few lines.

Tonight was the regular time for a letter to arrive from Norfolk but none came to hand, so I infer either that the Boat did not make her regular trip, or that you had left there without writing me, and that your next will be from Raleigh.

Should the letters which I expect from your Mother and yourself not change any present views I expect to leave here so as to be with you by 23 or 24th inst, and shall probably be accompanied either by Mr. Kerr or Mr. Martin – Mr. Kerr had written to his Lady Love that he would be with her on 24th so that if he be not delayed by the present very cold weather, I expect Mr. Martin will be companion.

Mary was anxious to accept your kind Mothers invitation and would have done so, had I insisted, but Hugh thought that to undertake a journey of Eight Hundred miles to make a visit of 24 Hours would be rather too ceremonious – Mary I believe will write you.

[Pg. 2] Hugh and I had a long walk this evening and spoke a good deal of your good mother and yourself.  He observed that “if Virginia makes as good a wife as her Mother has done she will be a pattern for the Ladies of St. Louis.”

Hugh told me that he expected your mother to come on with us on a visit to him in Philadelphia and that either he or Mary would write her to that effect.  Hugh wrote your Uncle David and expects him and Mr. [maybe Mrs?] Kyle to meet us in Philadelphia so I hope we will all meet here and pass some happy days together.

I have a great deal to say to you when we meet and many little plans to consult you about – recollect you will soon become my councilor and advisor and it may be Manager – that of course I will not acknowledge and I feel confident you will make “my Yoke easy” and my life happy.

Dearest Virginia you cannot imagine with what anxiety I look forward to this termination of the time that keeps us apart.  I hope to receive a letter naming the 20th as I solicited and be assured my beloved one I will hail the announcement with the greatest delight.

Give my Love to your good Mother and Sister and to any other friend of yours as I am predisposed to Love all that you Love and prepared to dislike any who has ever offended my beloved Virginia.
Dear Virginia Farewell for a time
Ever your most devoted
Robert Campbell [End of pg. 2]
[Pg. 3] I have just returned from Hugh’s and I find Mary has written you but I know not the subject no doubt about dresses.

Recollect I will not listen to any proposed marriage the first of March or any such distant day, so you may make your preparations for the 20th or any intermediate day not later than the 25th.

Again dearest Virginia Farewell and believe me ever dwelling on the happy recollection of the few days that I passed with you in Norfolk.

I will write your Uncle David tomorrow night.
RC [End of pg. 3]

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