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Fall 2013 Campbell House Newsletter – Hot Off the Press!

NewsletterGraphicAlrighty, folks.  So this has been a long time coming, and our apologies for not having something up a little sooner but there has been SO MUCH going on around Campbell House over the past couple of weeks- not the least of which is the publication of the latest edition of our newsletter, the Campbell House Courier!

Next week we’ll have up another posting in our “Peeling Back the Layers” series on the CHM restoration, but for now we wanted to get you as jazzed as we are to read about everything that’s been going on here at the house over the past year.

Check out the link below to read about our Glorious Gowns exhibit, the newly installed restored parlor draperies, get some updates from Director Andy (AKA: The Boss), some major events we’ve held like ‘Feasting with the Campbells’, and a really interesting nugget of research that we found on Robert Campbell and Texas. (hint: if Robert Campbell hadn’t been around, the city of El Paso as we know it would not exist today.)

Have we piqued your interest?  Good!

Now click here to check it out.


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