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Save our [Gl]Ass™ update: A week later

New clear glass being installed on our front door.

You are amazing.

Thanks to your generosity, we’ve raised over $2,000 to help fix our acid-etched front door window after it was broken by burglars. We put out a fundraising plea here, on Facebook and Twitter, and you came through in spades. You saved the day, and we can’t convey how much you helped us relieve the financial stress the unexpected expense would have caused.  We are forever indebted to you for your support. (Really.)

In the meantime, this is what has happened since last Monday night’s break-in:

  • We have glass. Not a replacement of the fancy etched kind (yet), but Art Glass Unlimited stopped by and removed the ugly piece of wood that covered the hole, and we have a very nice crystal-clear pane of glass in its place. We look like we’re open for business, and not like a boarded-up demolition zone anymore.
  • A security consultant came by, and with his suggestions we’ve beefed up our already-robust security system (*ahem* video cameras *ahem*) and we’ve changed some of our administrative processes and money-handling procedures. Campbell House is now a small — but impeccably decorated! — version of Fort Knox.
  • A series of glass professionals came out to take a look at the broken window and its (thankfully) undamaged twin. This has been a learning process for us. We’ve been schooled on the differences between acid- and sand-etching, and we now know the intricate pattern on the glass was acid-etched, and that process is rarely used anymore.  (Rare = expensive) We’re putting our collective heads together to find a high-quality yet cost-effective solution to recreate the pattern on new glass. We will select a workshop by the end of the month.

That’s all to report now, but we’ll be sure to keep you posted on new glass developments as they arise, and thanks again for supporting us!


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