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Surgery on the Schomacker

Our beloved box grand piano is due for a tuning.

It hasn’t been worked on since some of the Campbells were still alive, so we’re easily talking 100 years. Four keys didn’t do anything, and the sound? Three words: Nails. On. Chalkboard. Virginia bought the Schomacker & Co. piano in Philadelphia shortly after the Campbells moved in. The original price was $500, but she got a $25 discount.

We thought if the piano was repaired, cleaned up and tuned, we could host mini concerts in the parlor and have other events where the piano could be featured. (You know, use the piano like the Campbells did.) We want the piano to sound and function as well as it looks.

Today, JoAnn from Kapstan Piano Services came over to begin working on it. Take a look at what she did:

All the stuff that had been on top of the piano. Goethe is in the middle, and the birds are two of Hazletts pets that have been preserved.
Virginia supervises as JoAnn and docent Dennis prep the area.
Detail of the side of the piano.
Under the hood.
The piano body after the keyboard assembly was removed.
Keyboard assembly

Work is going to continue into next week. Stay tuned (get it?!) for more pictures and hopefully video of the piano in action!

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