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This week in history: April 5-10

This week in history, both Robert Campbell and his son Hugh Campbell made their wills.  The two were almost 60 years apart – 1 day short of 59 years exactly.  Because both of these documents are important, we are going to post both.

First, we post Robert Campbell’s 1832 will.  It was entered into evidence in the 1938 estate case that would decide the future of Robert’s son Hazlett’s $2 million estate.  By 1832, Robert had already begun to amass a great fortune.  He knew he was going into dangerous territory out West on a regular basis, and wanted to be sure his family and fortune would be taken care of.  This was obviously not Robert’s final will.  He would marry Virginia Jane Kyle on February 25, 1841, and the two would have 3 surviving children.  Robert finally died on October 10, 1879.  This will shows his thoughts and worries as a young man.

In the name of God, Amen. I Robert Campbell at
Present residing in the City of Saint Louis Missouri in
The United Stated of America do make this my last
Will and Testament –
Item    I bequeath and device to my Brother Andrew Campbell
All that parcel of Land in the townland of
Gelncopogagh in the part of Upper Badoney County
Of Tyrone Ireland held by law renewable forever
`Under the heirs of the Honl. George Knox, to have
And to hold said parcel of land with its apprenten
=ces (as now occupied by Gabriel Walker) to him and
to his heirs forever. Provided he my said Brother
Andrew Campbell pays one half the amt. of Debt
Due by me to the heirs of Andw. McFarland Decd. And
To my sister Anne Campbell before entering in possession
Of said farm of land in Glencopogagh –
Item –     I bequeath to my Brother Hugh Campbell my tith
And interest in the rents receivable under Deed
of Mortgage from the tenants in East Aughalane
amounting to 16 pounds Irish currency per annum) to him
and to his heirs forever. Provided he my said
Brother Hugh Campbell pays one half the debts
Due by me to the Heirs of Andw. McFarland Decd.
And to my Sister Anne Campbell – before entering
Into possession of the bequest before mentioned
Item –  I bequeath to my Brother Hugh Campbell above
Mentioned the proceeds of the expedition now fully
Out by me for the region of the Rocky Mountains
After deducting the amount due by me to Miss J & A Kerr
Merchants of St. Louis Missouri say
And also paying the men in my employ the balance
Which may be due by me to them at the time of
My decease – all of which will be determined by
My executors Mr L. Sublette and Thos. Fitzpatrick who
Accompany me on this expedition – the proceeds (if any),
To be appropriated in the following manner

[next page]

Firstly    That my said Borther Hugh Campbell do
Pay himself the amount of money I shall borrow
Of him before my departure
SecondlyThat my said Borther Hugh Campbell ao
pay to my Beloved Mother the sum of Five
pounds sterling annually during her natural life
and if the proceeds should not afford this then me
said Brother Hugh Campbell to pay to my beloved
mother Five pounds sterling per annum out of
the rents of East Aughalane –
Thirdly That my Brother Hugh Campbell pays to my Dear
Sister Anne Ten pounds sterling – and should the
proceeds of my expedition prove more than
repays the above appropriately – then the residue
if enough to be dispersed of as follows – to my
Dear Mother few pounds annually in addition
To the above and the residue to be divided in
Equal parts between my Brothers Andrew & Hugh and
My sister Anne one third each –
Item     I bequeath to my Beloved Mother the sum of Five pounds
Sterling to be paid by my said Brother Hugh Campbell
And in case the proceeds of my Rocky Monts be
Sufficiently lucrative the sum of Ten pounds in
Addition to the above –
Item    I bequeath to my Sister Anne Campbell as
Above Ten pounds sterling to be paid her
By my Brother Hugh Campbell which with
The assumption of two hundred pounds of my
Brother Hugh & myself and fifty pounds which
I presented her when in Ireland to be paid by
Hugh and myself. I consider as on equal
Portion with my Brothers – in case my Rocky
Mountain trip affords a profit I wish one third
Of the nett proceeds (after paying all other demands)
To be paid to my dearest sister Anne

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O nominate and appoint John W Farland of Culls
=lillan part of lower Budony & County Tyrone
and William Wilson of Eden Derry (Leap Mill) in
land County in Ireland as my executors there
and Mr L Sublette of St. Louis County Missouri
and Thos. Fitzpatrick of the Rocky Monts. And
My brother Hugh Campbell late of Richmond
Of Virginia but now of Philadelphia as my
Executors in the United States. – I request [missing]
To superintend the settlement of the matters herein
Named and to direct that each Item shall
Be performed (as far as possible) within two years
After my decease at farthest and sooner if
In witness where of I have herunto
Set my hand and seal this tenth day of
April in the year of our Lord one Thousand
Eight Hundred and Thirty Two

Signed sealed and declared
By the above named
Robert Campbell to be his
Last will and testament
In presence of us who have
Hereunto subscribed our
names as witnesses in the
presence of the testator

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Robert Campbell
Will of April 10 1832

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