What's New

This Week in History: August 18-24

Richmond 21st Augt. 1825

My Dear Robert
On Friday last I had the pleasure
Of yours dated 27th ult covering two united states
Bank notes of One Hundred dolls each.  For the remittance
I sincerely thank you   As you observe I do not want money,
But the receipt of this sum, accompanied by a very handsome
Letter in which sentiments of the highest order are expressed
Has done me more good than twice the amount under
Any other circumstances – even if in poverty.
Since date of my last, I had a letter from Andrew by
Me from Anne, under date of 2nd June. I had also a large
Package of Irish N.papers by a later conveyance. The news
From both sources is pleasing yet scarcely worth recapitulating
Anne’s health was delicate but not dangerous. She had
Advised with Doctors Caldwell Rogan & others and hopes were
Entertained of her recovery. Hamilton & Margery had returned
To Ireland. Andrews two little children were quite promising
The tenants were regularly praying up to Andw. McFarland
I shall shortly send one or two papers by mail yet I
Feasr that will scarce find their way to St. Louis

[next page]
In explanation of what was formerly mentioned respecting the
Affairs of mother I ought to have observed that all the old tenants
Were merely confirmed in the possession of their several holdings
Leaving orders with Andy & Mother to rent off (after Nov. Last)
All the farm formerly occupied by mother except the stoney
Park, the park below the house, the little meadow Houses gardens
Etc. etc. I had supposed that these with privilege of the
Mountain would have supported them genteelly & comfortably
And that the remainder would bring upwards of 20 d per arm
& at the same time disencumber the, of a useless burthen
This was not done, of if so I am not yet advised of it. It
Was my wish that you should point out this property of
Doing so, when writing them
I wrote James Reed about a week ago – since when
I have been informed that Bob (N one of uncle Johns Steves)
Died very suddenly. They are much depressed in consequence
Say ton him that I most heartily congratulate him – not
On his marriage – but on his resolution to become on of
Hymens votaries. His silence is now accounted for and
Readily excused.
IN the course of a day or two you shall have the
“Richmond constitutional Whig” a semi weekly paper published
by Gov. Pleasants son in the city. Why not tell me what paper,
or what description of paper you wished for?  If N. York
Philada. or Boston papers will suit you better you shall

[next paper]

them. The “Whig” is a respectable literary & political
miscellany and preferable to the Enquirer inasmuch as there
are fewer dissertations on state rights in the former. I shall
subscribe for the shortest possible time – If you like it to be
continued – if not it can be stoped any any other you prefer
sent you in communication
Both my parents are now in N. York. Your
old acquaintances Missr D. Kyle (Milton) & Kerr and here on their
way Northward. This morning John Kyle of Milton was
shipped to N. York with instructions to have him thence
transshipped to some distant part of the world. His
father is nearly heart broken in consequence of [missing]
his misconduct & disobedience.”  Sic transit Gloria mundi [missing]
In a former letter I told you of having
Sent home 50 pounds sterling to mother Anne & Andy
I have not yet heard of the receipt. It was forwarded
Early or about the middle of June
God bless you!
Hugh Campbell

[Next page]


Mr. Robert Capbell
At Misser O Fallon & Keytes
St. Louis

Hugh Campbell
August 21st

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