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This Week in History: January 2

Jeff City January 6th 1849

My Dear Virginia

I last evening received your welcome and interesting letter with your list of visitors and what was still more acceptable the lock of hair of our dear little Hugh which I saluted as you intended – I handed the letter for the perusal of Mrs. Morrow who was much pleased.  So you see we have been doubly benefited by your letter.

I find myself still circumstanced as when I last wrote you, that is, contending against unprincipled politicians who resort to every means to accomplish their ends – a little more than a week will let me off and I care very little what the result may be compared with getting off from here as I am heartily tired of being away from home.

I room with Col. Ballou a member of the H of Rep and a very gentlemanly man – Dr. Forbes and myself stay in the same bed so that there are three of us in the same room.

Genl. Sterling Price is now here and is an active friend of mine.  T. Polk is here in opposition to me electioneering as is also Jn. H. Watson but I would rather have him against me than for me as he has no influence nor standing here that could do me injury.  I cannot tell with any greater certainty of the result than when I last wrote you – my friends think favorably of my prospects and no doubt my opponents feel equally sanguine of their success – I neither hope nor fear, but wish most anxiously to have it determined.

You must be very careful about the cholera altho I trust it will not visit us now, and especially whilst I am from home – some of the young men at the store or Jeff Camp will get a man to clean out the back House which had better be done during the cold freezing weather which will render it less offensive.

I dine at Judge Morrows tomorrow and the day after is set apart for the celebration of the 8th of Jany battle at N. Orleans.  We are to have a grand procession, and orations Sat.  H. Birch is to be the orator and I am told he is very able so I may anticipate some variety.

I have kept this open for an hour or two to see if I can get any news by mail but I will not delay longer.

I don’t yet hear of William having left for the East.

My love to all.  Kiss Jimmie and Hugh for me.

Yours affectionately,

Robert Campbell

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