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This Week in History: July 12

This week, a letter that captures the love and joy in Robert and Virginia’s new family.  It seems Virginia is due for a tongue-in-cheek scolding from her beloved Robert for not writing enough.  The little boy Robert so lovingly refers to is James Alexander, their first child who was born on May 14, 1842.  Little did the young parents suspect that he would tragically die in the 1849 cholera epidemic.


Miss Virginia Campbell
Care Messrs. H & A Campbell & Co.
Philadelphia, PA.
Saint Louis July 12th 1843

My Dearest Virginia,
Since  you have got to Phila you seem to have forgotten every body in St. Louis – a week has passed off and you have not sent me a line.  Hugh wrote a business letter in which he spoke  of your being all well and with that very satisfactory  announcement you leave me to suppose everything else – I am quite vexed that you could not devote enough of time from company and  shopping to write me a line.

It is my intention to leave for the east tomorrow by the  S B Naraganset and make as little delay as possible by the  way – so you may expect me a few days after this reaches you and when I do arrive you may expect a severe scolding for not writing  me – so you may dread my coming.

The influenza is very prevalent here at present – William is laid up with it today and A Kerr has been suffering with it some two or three days but not so ill as to prevent Mrs. Kerr’s going with me.

Mrs. Henry Blow is dangerously ill and not expected to  recover – she has been ill for some time – Mr. Blow is at N.  York.

I called at Judge Engles on Sunday evening and saw little  Archie who was running about and looks finely – I watched him  closely to enable me to form some idea how our little son looks – I took him in my arms and thought of you and little James  wishing myself with you – you have not written me half enough  about him.

I hope my dear Virginia you are enjoying yourself  amongst your kind friends – indeed if our little son is in good  health I know you are for with your Mother, Mary and Margaret you have all the relatives (except your sister) that you like best –  and although I have rated you soundly for your neglect of me I am gratified with the supposition that your time was so agreeably  employed that you had no leisure – it always gives me pleasure to know that you are enjoying yourself.

I feel satisfied that I will get a letter from you tomorrow  but fortunately it will not come n time to save you from the  scolding which you so richly deserve.

Adieu my Dear Wife – kiss our little son for me – the little rascal will treat me as a stranger when I go on.

Give my love to all.
Yours Truly
Robert Campbell

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