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This Week in History: October 25

An excerpt Hugh Campbell’s will.  This is Robert’s brother,  not son.  (Stay tuned for more on Hugh.  We’re going to serialize his fascinating immigration journal beginning this Friday.  It’s such a good story, you’ll think it’s fiction.)


I, Hugh Campbell of the city of St. Louis and State of Missouri being of sound and disposing mind do make this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other heretofore made by me.

First I direct that out of my estate my just debts and funeral expenses shall be first paid and that my mortal remains shall be buried in a lot at Bellefontaine Cemetery which I purchased from Mr. Patrick.  My beloved wife Mary selected this lot and when it shall please God to call her hence, she will probably be buried beside me.  We have spent over forty five years of happy married life and may we be united in the grave.

Second I give and bequeath to my brother Robert Campbell my gold watch and chain together with any of my personal effects (as mementos) that he may choose together with sixty volumes from my library including the New American Encyclopedia such as he may select.

Third I give and bequeath all the residue of my estate and property, real, personal and mixed, which I may leave at the time of my death to my beloved wife Mary Campbell.  To Have and To Hold the same unto the said Mary Campbell to her heirs, executors & assigns forever ————

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